Do it with Grants

Fiscal Sponsorship Application

Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.

Proin eget tortor risus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat.

Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada.

Proin eget tortor risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

The Responsible Entity is (select one) *
This is a required question
Name of Responsible Individual
This is a required question
Primary Contact Name
This is a required question
This is a required question
This is a required question
This is a required question
This is a required question
Project Name
This is a required question
Approximate length of project (if applicable)
This is a required question
Brief Project Description
This is a required question
Mission for Proposed Project
This is a required question
Specific measurable objectives project will achieve
This is a required question
Strategies for achieving these objectives
This is a required question
Proposed timeline detailing how you will progressively advance your cause. Completed Stages
This is a required question
Summary of your qualifications and a biography or resume of experience
This is a required question
Describe the community your project will serve. Include a description of the demographic and geographic community(ies) you hope
This is a required question
If successful, what benefits will your project bring within two years to those you hope to serve?
This is a required question
Describe the work you have done to research, design, test or demonstrate the projects viability
This is a required question
Describe key relationships you currently have with helpful allies in your target community(ies) and elsewhere.
How will these relationships help you achieve your project’s goals? Describe ways you interact with these people, groups and organizations with which they are affiliated. What other people, groups and organizations do you need to know or work with in order to craft a successful project?
This is a required question
List the names, addresses, phone numbers, emails and community affiliations of the project’s advisory group.
And/or the people you propose to approach to become members of the advisory board. Please include a brief summary of their present and/or future contributions to your project. Please clearly identify which advisors have committed to serving on the board, and those you plan to approach
This is a required question
Outline your specific expectations regarding the benefit(s) a relationship with OMF will provide your project
This is a required question
Please list the names and complete contact information for your references. Be sure to indicate your relationship with each ref
This is a required question
Please give us an idea of who you plan to approach for support.
It is important to communicate the general idea of your fundraising strategy and targets.
This is a required question
Prospective sources of fundraising
This is a required question
Create and submit a preliminary budget for your project
We understand that no budget or plan is perfect and no one can precisely predict the future. Think of your budget as a tool to identify the financial transactions needed to reach the goals you have set. If you haven’t created a budget before, we can transmit a template to help. The idea is to be as complete and thoughtful as you can. We’re just trying to get an idea of the potential scope of your overall project, and how we may best customize our services to support your mission.
This is a required question
You Agree All Information is Accurate *
This is a required question
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.