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Enabling Diversified Careers

DEI focused hiring service and support

Media and Journalism

Since 2003, Open Media has endeavored to put the power of media in people's hands.

When we work towards diversifying the voices in media, we help create an inclusive platform to undo stereotypes and foster a culture of belonging.

Engagement is our specialty: for Media & Journalism organizations working to better engage and represent the diversity of their audience.

Open Media offers DEI-focused hiring service and support in addition to our creative holistic strategy, web, video, and branding services.

Open Media Career Engine

OMCE acts as a glue between Colorado job seekers and media employers, leveraging partnerships from schools, mentorship and job-readiness programs to create new job opportunities.

Our mission is to create a media ecosystem that is reflective of the true diversity of Colorado’s population, one that speaks to a range of life experiences and viewpoints in which every voice is fairly represented.

Diverse & Inclusive Hiring (DEI)

With a strong coalition of organizations committed to expanding the diversity of media voices in Colorado, OMCE bridges the gap between opportunities and under-represented job seekers and media makers. OMCE promotes more inclusive hiring practices by supporting employers in reaching diverse jobseekers.

In addition, as part of our services we utilize a 7 steps process that allows us to organize, simplify, manage and guide the hiring process for employers.

Finally, when possible, we leverage resources and partners in State & Local government to support and incentivize more inclusive hiring practices.

Job Seeker Support

Expand support and pathways for jobseekers in media & communications by steering them to training & support catered to their needs and goals.

In addition, they are added to a database where their skills are recorded in order to be promoted when needed by an employer.

Community & Media Engagement

OMCE acts as the promoter of community engagements with the local Media via monthly newsletter communications.

In addition to supporting internship, mentorship,and other engagement opportunities in partnership with employers, educational institutions, and government programs.

Jobs In Media & Journalism

Check back often for career opportunities from our media partners.

Have a Job OPening?

Let us help you find qualified job candidates with Open Media Career Engine

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