Charitable Contributions

Do not forget to include your charity information in your tax preparation. 

Contributions are deductible in the year made. Thus, donations charged to a credit card before the end of 2012 count for 2012. This is true even if the credit card bill isn’t paid until 2013.  Gifts of cash are fully deductible - up to a maximum of fifty percent of your adjusted gross income. For instance, if your adjusted gross income is $50,000, up to $25,000 of charitable gifts may be deducted this year. Any excess can generally be carried forward and deducted over as many as five subsequent years.  Also, checks count for 2012 as long as they are mailed in 2012.

To make a contribution with your credit card, visit our website's Donate page or call our office at 720-222-0159.  Any cash donations may be brought to the OMF offices at 700 Kalamath St, and we are located on the first floor right through the glass dooe.  To make a donation by mail, send a check made out to Open Media Foundation to:

Open Media Foundation
ATTN: Development Director 
700 Kalamath St.
Denver, CO 80204

For additional information on charitable giving including please visit

The OMF team (staff, Board of Directors, interns and volunteers) appreciates your generosity and support of the services and programs we offer to the community.

For further assistance with a specific OMF contribution, contact our Finance Director, Jeff Villano, or 720-222-0159, ext 201